The summer sun is blazing down and the kids are hot and bothered. There’s only one thing for it – it’s time for a water fight! Here’s our lowdown on how to host the best adventure climbing frame water fight in town.
Water fights are a brilliant way for kids to cool down. After a long day at school or during the long school holidays, getting wet is a must. Why not invite a few friends over, add a hose pipe to the mix, and let the kids run wild? Of course, using an adventure climbing frame always makes a water fight even more exciting. Set up a sprinkler system in the middle of the lawn or by the adventure climbing frame and encourage your kids to run through it.
You will need a hose pipe, ideally with access to an outside tap and at least two water pistols. Maybe a few giant super soakers depending on the age of the kids, swimming costumes and plenty of towels. Water bombs or water balloons are also great fun although they can make a mess. Get the participants to agree to help pick up the tiny pieces of the shredded plastic balloon after the event.
A successful water fight needs lots of strategic areas to hide and take cover and work out where others are. A straightforward water fight in an area with no places to hide can quickly deteriorate. You don’t want a situation where the biggest and strongest automatically wins and tears are almost inevitable! This is why an adventure climbing tower is ideal for a water fight between kids of all sizes.
Here’s a great idea if you have two outdoor climbing towers. Invite enough friends for two equal-sized teams. The kids can divide into two groups and shoot at each other from the opposing sides. Ultimately, it’s great fun for a summer birthday party and much cheaper than Laser Quest or similar!
If you have a single tower, it could become a pirate ship or a medieval castle. Watch out for pursuers below, and shoot at them as they try and ‘conquer the castle’.
Maybe the ‘house’ is on fire and needs to be quenched by the brave firefighters with a hosepipe! Maybe they live in a tropical rainforest where it ‘rains’ every day. There are so many opportunities for fantasy outdoor play; the only limit is their imagination.
A water fight can create the best memories of your child’s life. it’s clear to see that the fun creates a bonding experience of games and shared play.
Why not join in too? Have a laugh and let off steam after a tough week at work; it’s a great way to get close to your kids. Enabling your child to have fantastic water fights is a great way to help him or her to make strong friendships and forge bonds. Moreover, these are important social skills that are vital for success in later life.
Please note: all the pins on Gardenatics are within 10 miles of the build locations, but for privacy reasons, we have not identified the exact coordinates.